Thermal Expansion in Open Installation

Since TECHNO GREEN & TECHNO UV pipes must have enough space to expand, an expansion control must is much needed for straight and long pipes. TECHNO GREEN & TECHNO UV- pipes for cold water and heating plants makes this possible.

Expansion Co-Efficient:

  • For Glass fiber Reinforced PP-R pipe:   α = 0,05 mm/mK
  • For Standard PP-R Pipe:   α = 0,15 mm/mK


Calculation of Change in Length:

∆L = α x L x ∆T


  • ∆L = Change in length in mm
  • L = Length of pipe
  • ∆T = The difference between installation & Working Temperature


COMPARISON PPR & PPR-GF (Thermal Expansion)

Description PPRPPR-GF
LPipe length in meter 1010
αLinear expansion coefficient 0.15 0.05
TiTemperature installation (°C) 3030
TwTemperature working (°C) 7070
∆T Ti – Tw 4040
∆L Change in length (α x L x ∆T) 6020

From the above comparison the value ∆L reduced 3 times comparing with the normal PPR Pipes  

PPR UV-Multilayer Pipe


Techno PP-R UV Glass Fiber Reinforced Pipe (PP-R UV/PP-R GF/PP-R) consist of three layers where the outer layers provide UV protection and it’s made of specially stabilized PP-R to make the pipe highly reliable, resistant to ageing and protect the pipe from degradation caused by exposure to sunlight and ultraviolet rays. The Inner layer made of PP-R and the middle layer is special mixture of PP-R and Glass fiber raw material. (Outer layer-Black color /Middle layer-Red color / Inner layer – Green)

Technical Data Sheet 


of The PP-R UV Glass Fiber Reinforced Pipe


This pipe is particularly suitable for laying of supply lines in outdoor areas.


Low thermal expansion (α= 0.05).


Higher stiffness than standard PP-R pipe.


Larger support distance comparing with Regular PPR


Installation will be easier and faster. it does not require peeling of outer layer


Glass fiber PP-R pipes have thermal expansion co-efficient is almost equivalents to Aluminum stabi pipes, they can conveniently be used in the areas where aluminum pipes are used.


of the product

Technical Specification:

PN 16 PIPES “3.2 / SDR 7.4 / PN 16”

Product Number Product Description Outer Diameter Inner Diameter Wall Thick
T133020020 Techno PP-R Multilayer Pipe 20mm -PN16 20 14.4 2.8
T133020025 Techno PP-R Multilayer Pipe 25mm -PN16 25 18 3.5
T133020032 Techno PP-R Multilayer Pipe 32mm -PN16 32 23.2 4.4
T133020040 Techno PP-R Multilayer Pipe 40mm -PN16 40 29 5.5
T133020050 Techno PP-R Multilayer Pipe 50mm -PN16 50 36.2 6.9
T133020063 Techno PP-R Multilayer Pipe 63mm -PN16 63 45.8 8.6


  • For Cold water application: 24.5 bar at 20°C
  • For Hot water application : 8.1 bar at 70°C
  • (Max 95°C for short peak)

This allowable operating pressure will be applicable for 50 years life span as per the standard DIN 8077 table 9 (SF-1.25)

PN 20 PIPES “2.5 / SDR 6 / PN 20”

Product Number Product Description Outer Diameter Inner Diameter Wall Thick
T134020020 Techno PP-R Multilayer Pipe 20mm -PN20 20 13.2 3.4
T134020025 Techno PP-R Multilayer Pipe 25mm -PN20 25 16.6 4.2
T134020032 Techno PP-R Multilayer Pipe 32mm -PN20 32 21.2 5.4
T134020040 Techno PP-R Multilayer Pipe 40mm -PN20 40 26.6 6.7
T134020050 Techno PP-R Multilayer Pipe 50mm -PN20 50 33.4 8.3
T134020063 Techno PP-R Multilayer Pipe 63mm -PN20 63 42 10.5
T134020075 Techno PP-R Multilayer Pipe 75mm -PN20 75 ?? ??
T134020090 Techno PP-R Multilayer Pipe 90mm -PN20 90 ?? ??
T134020110 Techno PP-R Multilayer Pipe 110mm -PN20 110 ?? ??
T134020160 Techno PP-R Multilayer Pipe 160mm -PN20 160 ?? ??


  • For Cold water application: 30.9 bar at 20°C
  • For Hot water application : 10.2 bar at 70°C
  • (Max 95°C for short peak)

This allowable operating pressure will be applicable for 50 years life span as per the standard DIN 8077 table 9 (SF-1.25)


of Raw Material

Physical Properties:

PHYSICAL PROPERTIES "Poly Propylene" Values Unit
Melt Index (230℃, 2.16 kg) 0.25 g/10min
Density 0.9 g/cm3
Tensile Strength at Yield 270 Kg/cm2
Flexural Modulus 9000 Kg/cm2
Notched Izod Impact Strength (23℃ /-10℃) N.B /5.0
Rockwell Hardness 75 R-Scale
Heat Deflection Temperature 90
Vicat Softening Point 130
Mean Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion (0℃ - 80℃) 1.5*10-4 K-1